
Thursday 12 December 2013

CHAPTER 2 : Identifying Competitive Advantages

Assalamualikum,,,,This second chapter is explained about Identifying Competitive Advantages...... 

~What is competitive advantages?
   * A product or service that an organization's customer place a greater value on than similar offerings from a       competitor.
   * Unfortunately, CA is temporary because competitors keep duplicate the strategy.
   * Then, the company should start the new competitive advantage.
   * To attract people to buy our products or services.

Competitive intelligence is the process of gathering information about the competitive environment, including competitor's plans, activities and products to improve a company's ability to succeed.

Managers use three common tools to analyze competitive intelligence and develop competitive advantages including:
   * The Five Forces 
   * The Three Generic Strategies
   * Value Chain Analysis

 1) The Five Forces :-

      Michael Porter analyzes the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates to assess the potential for profitability.

# Buyer Power
 . If buyer power high, customers can force a company and its competitors to compete on price, which             typically drives price down. 
 . to reduce buyer power by switching cost and loyalty programs
 . eg: used loyalty programs (Tesco card - being a members to get discount)

# Supplier Power
  . The suppliers ability to influence the prices they charge for supplies.
  . If supplier power is high, the supplier can influence the industry by:
      -charging higher prices
      -Limiting quality or services
      -shifting cost to industry participants.

# Threat of New Entrance
  . is high when there are many alternatives to a product or service
  . then the company should practices best IT than other company.

# Threat of Substitute
  . to extent that customers can use different products to fulfill the same need, the threat of substitute exists.
  . For an example is electronic product with same function but different brands.
  . Furthermore, switching cost to a cheaper one can make customer attract to buy the product.

#  Rivalry among existence competitors 
   . high when competition to enter a market 
   . So, the company must do something different that can make customers more attracted.
   . For instance is a new bank must offers online paying bills.

2)  The Three Generics Strategies 

  i- Cost leadership 
   ~becoming a low-cost producer in the industry allows the company to lower prices customers.
   ~competitors with higher costs cannot afford to compete with the low-costs leader price.
  ii- Differentiation
   ~create competitive advantage by distinguish their products on one or more features important to their            customers.
   ~Example is i-care by Proton

 iii) Focused strategy
   ~Target to a niche market
   ~Concentrate on either cost leadership or differentiation.

3) Value Chain
~to identify these competitive advantages, Michael Porter created value chain analysis, which views a firm as   a series of business processes that each add value to the product or service.


That all for today,, thank you :)

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